E-mail and the Library Research Computers

The eight research computers on the first floor of the library have signs – lots of bright pink signs – that remind students these computers are only for research. Not e-mail, not g-mail, not face book, not IM, not Mapquest, not online shopping. Why? Using the computers for e-mail and similar tasks allow viruses to get into the research computers. In the past month, we’ve had several viruses and one very nasty worm that shut the computers down for hours. Students who needed the computers for research and especially printing were unable to do so because of the problems caused by these unauthorized uses.

Starting today the “research-only” policy will be enforced.

We don’t enjoy telling patrons to stop what they’re doing and shut the e-mail windows immediately. It’s one of the worst things that the library staff has to do. But the very worst thing that we have to do is to explain to a student who needs an article immediately that the computers are not working.


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